Kellyville Ridge
NSW 2155
Suburb Profile and Property Market

Last updated on 15th June 2022
Here you can find the latest 2022 property market data and answers to frequently asked questions about selling your home in Kellyville Ridge, NSW 2155. This market report will provide insight into suburb profile, median house prices in the area, annual sold number, recent sale prices, days on the market, auction clearance rate and how these relate to selling your home.
➞ Selling FAQ: Selling Property in Kellyville Ridge
➞ Appraisal: Property Appraisal in Kellyville Ridge
About Kellyville Ridge
Postcode & Local Government Area:
Kellyville Ridge postcode is 2155, it shared the same postcode with Kellyville, North Kellyville, Beaumont Hills and Rouse Hills. Kellyville Ridge is part of The Blacktown City Council LGA.
The driving distance from Kellyville Ridge to Sydney CBD is 43km (approx. 41mins drive with toll) and 40km (approx. 1hour drive without toll).
Kellyville Ridge is approximately 2.6 square kilometres in area and has two parks.
Kellyville Ridge had a population of 8,344 people in 2011. By 2016, the population had risen to 10,458 representing a 25.3% increase in the area.
The 5-9 year old age group is the most prevalent in Kellyville Ridge. Kellyville Ridge primary household is a family composed of couples with children, who are likely to be paying a mortgage of $3,000-$3,999 every month repayments. Most people in Kellyville Ridge work as professionals.

What's in Kellyville Ridge
Schools in Kellyville Ridge:
Kellyville Ridge Public School (Public Primary School, Corner of Greenwich St & Singleton Ave, Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155)
Schools Catchment for Kellyville Ridge:
John Palmer Public School (Public Primary School, The Ponds).
The Ponds High School (Public High School, The Ponds).
Rouse Hill High School (Public High School, Rouse Hill).
Shopping Centres / Shops:
Local shops (Merriville Rd, Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155)
Notable Places:
The Ettamogah (Corner of Merriville Rd & Windsor Rd, Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155).
Glenheath Park (43 Glenheath Ave, Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155)
Kellyville Ridge
Total number of properties: 3,087
Property types:
Standalone houses accounted for 87.8% of properties in Kellyville Ridge, 8.9% for units and 3.0% for semi-detached/townhouses/villa.
Number of bedrooms:
Four-bedroom or more properties is the most dominant in Kellyville Ridge, which account for 79.8%.
In 2016, properties in Kellyville Ridge that were owned with no mortgage were 12.9%, owned with a mortgage were 64.9%, and rental properties were 20.5%.
Kellyville Ridge
House Market Trends
Median house price
So far In 2022, median price was $1,612,500.
In 2021, median house price was $1,360,000.
In 2020, median house price was $1,050,000.
Number of sold house
So far in 2022, there were 60 houses sold.
In 2021, there were 163 houses sold.
In 2020, there were 125 houses sold.
Sales market statistics (past 12 months)
Most houses sold between $1.2M to $1.5M.
The peak selling month was October.
Median days on the market was 17 days.
Rental house market (past 12 months)
Median Rental Price is $610/week.
The annual rental yield is 2.2%.
Number of rentals 214 properties.
Kellyville Ridge
House Market in 2022
The stats so far
Median house price was $1,612,500.
Number of houses sold was 60.
Median days on the market was 17 days.
The record so far
The highest price for a house sold was $2,410,000
The highest price for a 3-bedroom house sold was $1,300,000, for a 4-bedroom was $2,410,000 and for a 5-bedroom plus sold was $2,288,000.
The largest land size for a residential house sold was 800sqm.
The selling method
The percentage of properties sold with private treaty was 73.34%.
The percentage of properties sold at Auction was 26.66%.
Kellyville Ridge auction clearance rate is 80%
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Thinking of Selling in Kellyville Ridge?
As a top real estate agent with Ray White in Kellyville Ridge, I have the local knowledge needed to get your house sold for the Highest Price, Fast and Stress-free.
Frequently Asked Questions about selling a house in Kellyville Ridge:
Question: How is the latest property market in 2022?
Question: Do the number of bedrooms affects selling price?
Question: How long does it take to find a buyer for my house?
Question: Auction vs private treaty?
Question: When is the best time to sell?
and more...
Do you have selling questions?